This is a breathing meditation designed to help you fall into deep sleep. It is intended for you to listen to using headphones as you lay in your bed ready to sleep. You can also use it for a much needed nap. It has 3 parts, starting with a relaxing intro, followed by a slow breathing section and ending with a short guide to go back to normal breathing – unless you are already sleeping by then. The breathing rate is quite slow, 5 breaths per minute with 4 counts in and 8 counts out. For some this can be a bit slow at first, but after you have used a few times it will be fine. There are no breathholds in this meditation.
Vocals and production: Siv Jøssang Shields
Language: English
Music: Soma Breath
Benefits: Relaxation, and with use over time improved Co2 tolerance that is associated with lowering blood pressure and reducing anxiety.