Safety: Engage in NIT/TRE exercises when you feel safe and grounded throughout the process.
Managing Physical Discomfort: If you experience physical pain, adjust your position, modify the speed or intensity of the exercises, or stop altogether if necessary. Take a break, sit up, and hydrate with water.
Emotional Well-being: If you feel emotionally overwhelmed or uncomfortable, slow down or pause the NIT/TRE process until you regain a sense of safety and grounding. Sit up and take a moment to hydrate.
Breathe: Be aware of your breath. Remember to breathe into your belly, and if you need to, slow down your breath to get a deeper sense of relaxation into the experience.
Starting out: For beginners, it’s OK to start out easy, tremoring for 15 minutes or less, and to practice NIT/TRE 3 or 4 times a week.
Progression: As you become proficient in self-regulation and gain experience with TRE over a few weeks, you can extend your tremor time and increase the frequency of sessions according to your own judgment and comfort level.