Personal Information
- Name:
- Date of birth:
- Marital status:
- Children & Ages:
- Email:
- Phone number:
- Address:
- Profession:
- Website:
- When did you participate in the Flow State Continuum Weekend:
Background and Current State
- What drew you to this mentoring program?
- Have you participated in any personal or professional mentoring programs before? If yes, please describe your experience.
- What is your current level of satisfaction in the following areas of life? (Rate 1–10, with 1 = very dissatisfied and 10 = very satisfied):
- Health and well-being
- Relationships
- Wealth
- Professional success
- Work
- State of mind
- State of emotions
- Passion for life
- Purpose in life
- Personal growth
- What are the main challenges or obstacles you’re currently facing?
- Are there specific habits, beliefs, or behaviors you want to work on during this program?
About You
- Do you have a sense of your World View? If you were to complete the sentence “The world is…” with 10 descriptive words what are they:
- Do you have a sense of your Personal Philosophy?If you were to complete the sentence “I am…” with 10 descriptive words what are they:
- Do you have a sense of the Roles you have in your life? Like “a parent, a child, a caretaker, a businessman, an achiever, a trainer” etc. Pick 3 of your Roles, and choose the 3 most important ones.
- Do you have a sense of your Goals?
- What are your short-term goals? Where do you see yourself in one year?
- What are your long-term goals? Where do you see yourself in five years?
- What are your main motivations when thinking about those goals?
- What’s holding you back from reaching those goals?
- What do you feel most excited about in your life at this moment?
- When you think of your life, what has been your biggest success? What did you do to accomplish it?
- When you think of your life, what has been your biggest challenge? How did you get past it? Or, if you didn’t, what stopped you?
- Have you put in work to reach your goals? What worked for you, and what didn’t?
Goals and Experience
Have you practiced Soma Breath or HeartMath techniques before? If yes:
- How did you learn about them?
- How often do you currently practice?
- What has been your experience so far?
What are your primary goals or intentions for these sessions?
- Are you seeking physical benefits (e.g., improved energy, better sleep)?
- Emotional regulation (e.g., managing stress, cultivating calm)?
- Personal growth (e.g., connecting with intuition, clarity)?
- Stress management (one, several, or all of these)?
- Other (please specify):
Do you have experience with any other types of breathwork?
- If yes, please describe the type(s) of breathwork, how you learned them, and your experience with these practices.
Are there specific outcomes you’re hoping to achieve through these practices?
Health and Background
- Do you have any diagnosed medical conditions that might affect your breathing or heart rate? (e.g., asthma, hypertension, heart conditions, epilepsy, pregnancy)
- Are you currently under the care of a healthcare professional? If yes, please provide details
- Are you currently taking any medications that might impact your breathing, heart rate, or stress response?
- Do you have a pacemaker?
Breathwork and Heart Rate Awareness
- Are you currently using any breathing techniques or biofeedback tools (e.g., apps or devices)? If yes, please describe.
- Do you have any challenges or concerns with breathing practices (e.g., discomfort with breath-holding, dizziness)?
Stress and Emotional Wellbeing
- What is your current stress level on a scale of 1 to 10? (1 = very low, 10 = very high)
- Have you experienced significant stress, anxiety, or emotional challenges recently that you’d like to address during these sessions?
- Do you have any known triggers or areas of sensitivity that we should be mindful of during sessions?
Lifestyle and Habits
- What is your current level of physical activity? (e.g., sedentary, moderate exercise, very active)
- Do you have any routines or habits aimed at stress reduction or mindfulness? (e.g., meditation, yoga, journaling)
- When working toward a goal, what motivates you? What hinders your progress?
- When faced with criticism, how do you handle it?
- How often do you need to review your progress? How would you like to review it?
- How can I best support you as your mentor? What do you most need from me?
- What will make this mentoring experience a success for you?
Additional Information
- Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you or your expectations for this program?
Consent and Confidentiality
- Do you consent to participating in this duo Personal Mentoring and Sessions program and understand that this is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment?
- Do you agree to confidentiality regarding all personal information shared during this process?
- Have you read and understood our Terms and Conditions?