Date And Time
CET Time Zone
February 8, 2025 09:00 – 18:00
February 9, 2025 09:00 – 13:00
NOK 4,450
50% OFF
NOW NOK 2,250
Thank you for considering spending this weekend with us and to join us in this experience! Discover ways to build more life in your life. We will guide you through brain-and heart based techniques, increase awareness and give you mindset training that not only break the cycle of stress but also unlock new, more productive habits, we will have both fun and deep rest.
On Thursday, February 6th at 18:00, we’re inviting you to an add-on session where you strengthen your psycho-emotional structure with ancient techniques. Through rhythmic drumming and powerful guidance, you’ll experience a change in your state created by the alteration of your brainwaves and create agreements with your subconscious mind that will improve your quality of life even when it’s stormy. You don’t have to attend this session to have the full Flow State Weekend experience, but it’s there for those who want to explore deeper before the weekend.
Thursday, February 6th: 18:00-21:00
Location: Treningsloftet, stallgata 10, 5700 Voss
(Kindly note that this location is different from the main event.)
Please note that the ending times are approximate.